The Hurricane IA has had its engine performance and Lift profile modified to better reflect the historical aircraft's performance.
Merlin III inline liquid cooled engine with Single Stage Supercharger, Full Throttle Height at +12 boost of 9000 ft, (unrammed) Full Throttle Height of 15,000 ft at +6 boost (unrammed)
Aircraft has a Rotol Constant Speed Propellor, maximum rpms at 3000.
The aircraft has a liquid cooled, (100% Glycol) engine. Shutters can be opened and closed by the pilot to regulate the Radiator coolant temperature. In addition the aircraft has an automatic Oil Cooler, which is not controlled by the pilot. Gauges for both Radiator and Oil Cooler temperatures are displayed on the right side of cockpit dashboard.
Note: Engine damage due to coolant or oil overheat CAN occur at lower than MAX temperatures. BEWARE of going close to those limits. Pay especial care when using +12 boost in low speed/high angle of attack maneuvering.
Engine must be warmed prior to takeoff. Leave Radiator closed till following:
The Aircraft's radiator should be opened full before taxiing. The Hurricane is taxied using a combination of low engine power with applications of rudder and brakes providing the steering input. Pilots need to be very careful when applying brakes, as the aircraft can tip onto its nose easily. Pilots should use a 'fishtail' pattern during taxiing so they can see any obstacles in front of them.
The aircraft has trim for elevator and rudder. Pilots use the Sideslip Indicator on the right side of the cockpit dashboard to trim their rudder accurately. Needle should be centered. Pilots may also use the rudder to center the sideslip needle during combat for accurate shooting.
Max. Speed at Sea Level: 288 mph
Aircraft has a single stage supercharger, with the rammed Full Throttle Height, (FTH) being approx. 11,500 ft at +12 boost and 16,250 ft at +6 boost. Performance falls off rapidly above this height.
The Hurricane IA Rotol is a stable and maneuverable gun platform at low and medium altitudes although it is slower than the Bf-109 at all altitudes. It is faster than the Bf-110 at altitudes below its +12 boost FTH. It will outturn 109's and 110's at low and medium altitudes. It loses performance at higher altitudes, especially over 25,000ft.
The engine is equipped with a carburetor which allows the pilot to select either 'Rich' or 'Lean' mixtures. 'Rich' mixture is used in all normal situations, takeoff, landing, climb, combat. 'Lean' mixture is only used to conserve fuel in level flight Cruise settings, and only when boost is set to '+1' or lower, and rpms to 2600 or lower. Use of 'Lean' mixture setting at higher rpms or boost will result in the destruction of the engine.
Maximum Dive Speed: 390 mph Indicated Airspeed.
Pilots should exercise caution when pulling out of a high speed dive, they should be cautious about using full elevator, especially with nose up elevator trim, and should be especially cautious when they have taken damage to their wings.